Discrete Structure 2072

Tribhuwan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Bachelor Level / Second Semester / Science
Computer Science and Information Technology ( CSC-152 )
( Discrete Structure )
Full Marks: 80
Pass Marks: 32
Time: 3 hours
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt all questions:

Group A (10x2=20)

1. What is conjunction? Discuss with suitable example and truth table.

2 marks view

2. Show that (p∧q ) → p  is a tautology by using truth table.

2 marks view

3. What is valid argument?

2 marks view

4. In how many ways we can draw a heart or a diamond from an ordinary deck of playing cards?

2 marks view

5. What is pigeonhole principle?

2 marks view

6. Show that an undirected graph has an even number of vertices of odd degree.

2 marks view

7. What is minimum spanning tree?

2 marks view

8. Define saturated edge in a transport network.

2 marks view

9. What is a phrase-structure grammar?

2 marks view

10. What are the strings in the regular sets specified by the regular expression 10*.

2 marks view

Group B (5x4=20)

11. What is logical equivalence? Show that p→q  and ¬q → ¬q are logically equivalent.


Discuss Modus Ponens with suitable example.

4 marks view

12. Discuss the principles of inclusion-exclusion. How many bit strings of length eight either start with a 1 bit or end with two bits 00?

4 marks view

13. What is graph isomorphism? What are the different invariants of graph isomorphism?

4 marks view

14. Discuss adjacency matrix representation of graph with example.

4 marks view

15. Let G be the grammar with vocabulary V = {S, 0, 1}, set of terminals T = {0, 1}, starting symbol S, and production P ={ S→ 11S,S→0}. What is the L(G) of this grammar?

4 marks view

Group C (5x8=40)

16. Discuss the different rules of inference for quantified statements along with suitable example of each.

8 marks view

17. Find all the solutions of the recurrence relation an  = 4an −1+n2 . Also find the solution of the relation with initial condition  a1 =1.

8 marks view

18. Discuss the algorithm for constructing Euler circuit with suitable example.

8 marks view

19. Discuss Kruskal’s algorithm for constructing a minimum spanning tree. Use this algorithm to find minimum spanning tree in the graph given below.

8 marks view

20. State and prove Max-Flow Min-Cut theorem.

8 marks view