Information Retrieval - Notes

Course Materials and Resources

Explore a diverse repository of academic insights through our comprehensive collection of course notes. Tailored to Information Retrieval, these notes are designed to enhance your understanding of key concepts, theories, and practical applications. Whether you're reviewing past lectures or preparing for upcoming assessments, these notes offer a valuable resource to support your academic journey. Immerse yourself in a wealth of knowledge that complements the coursework, providing a thorough and well-rounded learning experience.

Unit 1: Introduction

Unit 2: Basic IR Models

Unit 3: Basic Tokenizing, Indexing, and Implementation of Vector-Space Retrieval

Unit 4: Experimental Evaluation of IR

Unit 5: Query Operations and Languages

Unit 6: Text Representation

Unit 7: Search Engine

Unit 8: Text Categorization and Clustering

Unit 9: Recommender Systems

Unit 10: Information Extraction and Integration

Unit 11: Advanced IR Models with indexing and searching text