Artificial Intelligence 2076 (new)

Tribhuwan University
Institute of Science and Technology
2076 (new)
Bachelor Level / Fourth Semester / Science
Computer Science and Information Technology ( CSC261 )
( Artificial Intelligence )
Full Marks: 60
Pass Marks: 24
Time: 3 hours
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt all the questions.


Long Answer Questions.

       Attempt any Two questions                                                                          (2x10=20)

1. Construct a state space with appropriate heuristics and local costs. Show that Greedy Best First search is not complete for the state space. Also illustrate A* is complete and guarantees solution for the same state space.

10 marks view

No description available.

Here, when search reaches at node C it stucks in loop. So we can't reach at goal node. Therefore, Greedy Best First Search is not complete for the given state space.

No description available.

2.  How resolution algorithm is used in FOPL to infer conclusion? 

Consider the facts;

    Anyone whom pugu loves is a star. Any  hero who does not reherse does not act. Anmol is a hero. Any hero who does not work does not reherse. Anyone who does not act is not a star. Convert above into FOPL and use resolution to infer that "If Anmol does not work, then pugu does not love Anmol".

10 marks view

3.  Define mathematical model of artificial neural network. Discuss how Hebbian learning algorithm can be used to train a neural network. Support your answer with an example.

10 marks view


Short Answer Questions.

Attempt any Eight questions.                                                                               (8x5=40)

4.  What is Ai? How can you define AI from the perspective of thought process?

5 marks view

5.  Discuss the types of environment where an agent can work on.

5 marks view

6.  Illustrate with an example, how uniform cost search algorithm can be used for finding goal in a state space.

5 marks view

7.  Define frame. How knowledge is encoded in a frame? Justify with an example.

5 marks view

8.  What do you mean by membership of an element in a fuzzy set? Given a domain of discourse X={10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70}, construct a fuzzy set from X. Use your own assumptions for defining membership.

5 marks view

9.  Write an algorithm for learning by Genetic Approach.

5 marks view

10. How uncertain knowledge is represented? Given following full joint probability distribution representing probabilities of having different sizes of CD, find the probability that a CD cover has a length of 130mm given the width is 15mm.


5 marks view

11.  How the concept of machine vision are used in Robotics to configure sensors of Robots?

5 marks view

12.  How syntactic and semantic analysis is done during natural language processing? Explain with example.

5 marks view