Artificial Intelligence 2078
Section A
Long Answer Questions.
Attempt any Two questions. (2 x 10 = 20)
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1. How informed search are different than uniformed? Given following state space, illustrate how depth limited search and iterative deepening search works? Use your own assumption for depth limit.
Hence, S is start and K is goal. (3+7)
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2. Consider following facts:
Every traffic chases some driver. Every driver who horns is smart. No traffic catches any smart driver. Any traffic who chases some driver but does not catch him is frustated.
Now configure FOPL knowledge base for above statements. Use resolution algorithm to draw a conclusion that "If all drivers horn, then all traffics are frustated". (3+2+5)
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3. Describe mathematical model of neural network. What does it means to train a neural network? Write algorithm for perception learning.
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Section B
Short Answer Questions.
Attempt any Eight questions. (8 x 5 = 40)
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4. What is Turing Test? How it can be used to measure intelligence of machine?
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5. How agent can be configured using PEAS framework? Illustrate with example.
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6. Construct sematic network for following facts:
Ram is a person. Person are humans. All humans have nose. Humans are instarces of mammals. Ram has weight of 60 kg. Weight of Ram is less than weight of Sita.
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7. What is crossover operation in genetic algorithm? Given following chromosomes show the result of one-point and two point crossover.
C1 = 01100010
C2 = 10101100
Choose appropriate crossover point as per your assumption.
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8. What is expert system? How it works? Mention role of inference engine in expert system.
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9. How semantic and pragmatic analysis is done in natural language processing.
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10. How philosophy, sociology and economics influence the study of artificial intelligence?
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11. Given following search space, determine if these exists any alpha and beta cutoffs.
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12. What is posterior probability? Consider a scenario that a patient have liver disease is 15% probability. A test says that 5% of patients are alcoholic. Among those patients diagnosed with liver disease, 7% are alcoholic. Now compute the chance of having liver disease, if the patient is alcoholic.
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