Artificial Intelligence 2076(old)

Question Paper Details
Tribhuwan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Bachelor Level / Fourth Semester / Science
Computer Science and Information Technology ( CSC261 )
( Artificial Intelligence )
Full Marks: 60
Pass Marks: 24
Time: 3 hours
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

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1. How turing Test is used to evaluate intelligence of a machine? What properties a machine should have to pass the Total turing test?[4+2]

6 marks
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2. What are intelligent agents? Differentiate Model Based Agents differ from utility Based Agents differ from utility Based Agent. Mention suitable examples of each.[1+5]

6 marks
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3. In problem solving, what is the concept of state space, state, successor function, goal test and path cost? Illustrate each with suitable example.[6]

6 marks
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4. Consider the search space below, where S is start state and G1 and G2 are goal state. The arcs are labelled with step cost. Given the heuristic by H(~) for each nodes. Now use iterative depending and greedy best first search for finding the goal state, Also determine which goal state is reached first in each case.[6]

6 marks
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5. How searching is done in adverserial search? Given following search space with utility values perform minimax search for max player and identify the possible alpha/beta cutoff.[1+5]

6 marks
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6.What does it means to train a neural network? Consider following neural network, how back-propagation algorithm can be used to train it?  [6]

6 marks
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7. How Knowledge is represented using scripts? Support your answer with suitable example.[6]

6 marks
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8. What do you mean by natural language processing? What is the importance of pragmatic analysis in NLP? [3+3]

6 marks
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9. What is the use of Baye's rule? Consider in a school, the number of boys student is 46% and that of girl student is 54%. Suppose 4% of boys student are over 5 feet tall and 2% of girls student are over 5 feet tall. If  a student is selected at random from among all those over 5 feet tall, what is the probability that the student is girl?[1+5]

6 marks
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10. Convert following statements to FoPL.[6]

No teachers are ignorant.

Some teachers who are ignorant are not skillful.

All skillfull teachers are likely by all.

6 marks
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