Cognitive Science 2076
Attempt all the questions.(10*6=60)
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1. Define the cognitive science. How symbolic computational cognitive science differs from the connectionist computational cognitive science?
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2. What do you mean by informed search? Explain the influence of heuristic functions in inform search algorithms. Show how heuristic is used in A* search?
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3. Define knowledge representation. Explain the properties of knowledge representation system. How knowledge can be represented using frames?
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4. Describe about Marr's three level of information processing with suitable example.
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5. List out the different rules in Resolution Algorithm. Consider the knowledge base given as: Prove 7q can be inferred from above KB by using resolution.
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6. Explain the Chomsky hierarchy of grammar with suitable examples.
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7. Explain about information Processing. How store model and sensory registers are used in the processing?
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8. Explain John Searle approach in the cognitive science. What is its relation with Descartes.Explain with example.
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9. What are the parameters of language processing? Explain.
Why lexicon and morphology are required in natural language processing, explain suitable example?
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10. Write short note on:
i) Back propagation
ii) Stages of Expert System Development
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