Cognitive Science Model Question
Section A
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Attempt any two questions. (2 × 10 = 20)
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1. What is mind body problem? Discuss about the Pinker, Penerose and Searle’s response to mind body problem [3+7]
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2. What is physical symbol system? Illustrate with example. Discuss about the Fodor’s argument for language of thought hypothesis. [4+6]
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3. What is visuospatial attention? Mention the hypotheses about visuospatial attention. Describe about the standard and radical simulations of mind reading. [2+3+5]
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Section B
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Attempt any eight questions. (8 × 5 = 40)
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4. Discuss Marr’s three level of computation. Support your answer with example. [5]
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5. Describe cognition, cognitive psychology and cognitive science. [5]
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6. What is Cognitive Model of Memory? Describe about the Atkinson-Shiffrin’s Model. [1+4]
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7. Describe the Chinese room argument. Justify whether Chinese room problem passes Turing Test? [3+2]
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8. How goal based agent are different from simple reflex agents? [5]
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9. Discuss about the ACT-R/PM cognitive architecture. [5]
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10. How mapping of the brain’s electrical activity is done with EEG and MEG? [5]
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11. Describe the Baron-Cohen’s Model of mind reading system. [5]
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12. What is neural network? Describe about the multilayer neural network. [2+3]
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