Compiler Design and Construction 2078
Section A
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Attempt any two questions.(2*10=20)
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1. List out the tasks performed by Lexical Analyser. Define DFA. Convert the Regular Expression (a+b)*a(a+b) to DFA directly. (3+1+6)
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2. Differentiate between LR(0) and LR(1) algorithm. Construct LR(1) parse table of the following grammar.(3+7)
A->aA | b
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3. Define type checking. Differentiate between type casting and coercion? Write SDD to carry out type checking for the following expression.
E->n|E*E| E==|E[E] | E↑
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Section B
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Attempt any eight questions. (8*5 = 40)
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4. Define compiler and differentiate it with an interpreter.
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5. What are the typical entries made in symbol table? Explain.
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6. Define Left recursive grammar. Remove left recursion from the following grammar.
S→SB | Ca
B→Bb | c
C→aB | a
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7. What are the disadvantages of shift reduce parsing. Perform shift reduce parsing of string
w= (x-x) -(x/x) for given grammar.
E→ E-E | E/E | (E) | x
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8. Define attribute grammar with example of inherited and synthesized attributes.
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9. Define three address codes. Write down Quadruples for,
a = -b*(c+d)/e
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10. List out different types of run time storage management techniques. Explain any one of them.
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11. What is the advantages of code optimization? Explain about dead - code elimination.
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12. Explain about the factors affecting target code generation.
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