Cryptography 2075
all questions.
1. Answer following
questions in short (any five)
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The larger the size of key space, the more secures a cipher? Justify your
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Differentiate between virus and Trojan horse.
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What is weak collision resistance property of hash function?
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Differentiate between transposition cipher and substitution cipher?
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What does Zn
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What is the additive inverse of 2 in Z10?
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John copies Mary’s homework. Does it violate confidentiality or integrity or
both? Justify.
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2. a) What do you mean by “Fiestel Structure for Block Ciphers”? Explain.
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How can a number can be
tested for primality testing using Miller-Rabin algorithm? Explain.
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b) Divide 5x2+4x+6 by 2x+1 over GF(7).
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3. a) Find the result of the following operations.
(i) 2 mod 5 (ii) 33 mod 3 (iii) -13 mod 10 (iv) -23 mod 10 (v) -8 mod 7
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b) How can Diffie-Hellman can be used for key exchange? Explain.
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4. a) Encrypt the message “machine passed turing test” to playfair cipher using key “ALANTURING”.
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b) What is the digital signature for, authentication of confidentiality?
Justify your answer. What does security handshake pitfall refer to?
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5. a) Explain about PGP. OR
What is the role of the SSL Record Protocol in SSL/TLS? Explain.AI is thinking...
b) Describe the method for generating Round Constant table in AES
algorithm in Add Round Key phase. Assume the number of rounds is 10.
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6. a) Is hash and MAC resemble the same meaning? Explain how SHA generates 160 bit digest value?
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b) Define field. Differentiate between public key cryptography and
private key cryptography.
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