Cryptography 2076 (new)
Section A
Attempt Any Two questions. (2 x10 =20)
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1. Among monoalphabetic and polyalphabetic cipher, which one is more vulnerable? Justify your statement. Which types of keys are considered as weak keys in DES? Explain round operations in IDEA.
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2. State the Fermat's theorem with example. Given the prime number p=29 and the primitive root g=8, private key of sender with X=9 and random integer K=11, encrypt the message m=13 using Elgamal cryptosystem.
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3. Compare the SHA parameters between SHA-1 and SHA-2 family. Decrypt the cipher text DRJI with key using Hill cipher.
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Section B
Attempt Any Eight questions. (8 x5 =40)
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4. Define discrete logarithm. Explain the procedure of sharing the secret key in Diffie Hellman.
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5. Distinguish between stream cipher and block cipher. Encrypt the message WE ARE IN SAME RACE UNTIL OUR LIVE END using Rail fence cipher using 4 as number of rails.
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6. Define digital signature. Describe the approaches of DSS.
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7. What is the task of firewall? List the elements of X.509.
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8. How does the nature of worms differ with virus? Define PKI with its architecture model.
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9. Explain the procedure of mix column transformation in AES with an example.
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10. what is the role of prime number in Euler totient function? Find the GCD of 12 and 16 using Euclidean algorithm.
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11. Write down any two limitations of MAC? What does policy and mechanism mean in cryptography? Describe with a scenario.
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12. Write short notes on (Any Two)
a. Classes of intruder
b. SSL
c. Dos Attack
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