Digital Logic 2018
Group B
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Attempt any SIX questions. [6x5 = 30]
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11.Subtract: 675.6 – 456.4 using both 10's and 9's complement.[5]
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12.What is university logic gate? Realize NAND and NOR as an universal logic gates. [1+2+2]
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13. Simplify (using K- map) the given Boolean function F in both SOP and POS using don't care conditions D: B'CD' + A'BC'D
F = B'C'D' + BCD' + ABCD' [2+3]
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14.Define encoder: Draw logic diagram and truth table of octal - to - binary encoder. [1 + 4]
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15.What is D flip-flop? Explain clocked RS flip-flop with its logic diagram and truth table.[1+4]
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16.Design MOD - 5 counter with state and timing diagram.[2+1+2]
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17. Design a 4 - bit serial into parallel- out shift register with timing diagram. [3+2]
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Group C
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Attempt any TWO questions.[2x10 = 20]
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18. Write difference between PLA and PAL. Design a PLA circuit with given functions.
F1 (A, B, C) = Σ (2, 3, 5)
F2 (A, B, C) = Σ (0, 4, 5, 7). Design PLA program table also.[3+7]
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19.Define D flip-flop. Design a Master-slave flip-flop by using JK flip-flop along with its circuit diagram and truth table. [2+8]
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20.Write down the difference between asynchronous and synchronous counter. Design a 4-bit binary ripple counter along with its circuit, state and timing diagram. [3+7]
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