Digital Logic 2021
Group B
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Attempt any six questions.(6*5=30)
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2. Subtract 11101.111-10100.101 using 1's and 2's complement.
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3. Simplify given Boolean function in both SOP and POS using K-Map where d represents don't care condition.
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4. Define combinational circuit. Write a combinational circuit design procedure. Design a half adder with its truth table, logic diagram and Boolean expression.
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5. Define Priority encoder. Design 4:2 priority encoder with its block diagram, truth table, circuit diagram and mathematical expression.
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6. Why NAND and NOR gates are called universal gates? Realize NAND gate as universal gate.
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7. What is race around condition? Explain how JK master flip flop is used to eliminate race around condition.
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8. Differentiate between synchronous and ripple counter. Design mod 7 ripple counter with its state diagram, sequence table,logic diagram and timing diagram.
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Group C
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Attempt any two questions.
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9. Define PLA with its block diagram.Realize BCD to gray code converter using PAL.
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10. What is register? Explain types of registers depending on input output with its block diagram and logic diagram.
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11. What is state diagram? A sequential circuit with two D flip-flops A and B, one input x and one output z by the following next state and output equations:
A(t+1)= A'+B, B(t+1)=B'x, z= A+B'
i) Draw the logic diagram of the circuit
ii) Draw the state table
iii) Draw the state diagram of the circuit
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