Digital Logic 2078
Group A
Long Answer Questions.
Attempt any Two questions. (2x10=20)
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1. Design a combinational circuit with four inputs and one output. The output is equal to 1 when (i) all the inputs are equal to 1 or (ii) none of the inputs are equal to 1 or (iii) an odd number of inputs are equal to 1.
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2. Implement the following function:
F = Σ(0,1,3,4,5,8,9,10,15) using
i) Decoder
ii) Multiplexer
iii) PLA
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3. What do you mean by race condition in JK Flip Flop and mention the methods to overcome it? Explain Master Slave flip-flop using JK flip flop with logic circuit, truth table and timing diagram. (3+7)
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Group B
Short Answer Questions.
Attempt any Eight questions. (8x5=40)
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4. Convert (51966.57)10 into octal and hexadecimal number system. (2.5+2.5)
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5. Subtract (111000.110)2 - (110100.101)2 using both 2's and 1's complement.
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6. State and prove De-Morgan's Theorems.
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7. Define Half-subtractor with truth table and logic diagram.
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8. What is decoder? Implement 8 x 1 MUX using 4 x 1 MUX. (1+4)
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9. What is clocked RS flip-flop? Explain with logic diagram and characteristic table. (1+4)
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10. Design Mod-3 synchronous counter.
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11. Draw a parallel-In Parallel-Out Shift register and explain it.
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12. Write short notes on : (2.5+2.5)
a) Binary parallel adder
b) Jonson counter
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