E-Governance 2074
Long Answer Questions:
Group A
Attempt any two questions.(2*10=20)
1. Differentiate between e-Government and e-Governance. Explain in brief about e-Governance applications and the digital divide.
2. Differentiate between data ware housing and data mining. Explain the applications of Data ware housing and data mining in e-Governance applications.
3.Explain in detail of e-Governance development in Nepal.
Short Answer Questions.
Group B
Attempt any eight questions.(8*5=40)
4.Explain the comparative analysis model of e-Governance.
5. Mention the maturity model of e-Governance.
6. Discuss the Institutional Infrastructure preparedness model of e-Governance.
7. How can we use data ware housing and data mining concepts in education sector.
8.Discuss in brief about development of e-Governance in Brazil.
9. Why cyber laws and Human Resource Management software are importance for Nepal?
10. Differentiate between G to G and G to B.
11. What do you mean by digital system intra structure? Explain.
12. Explain about the development of e-Governance in Andra Pradesh.
13. Write Short notes:
a) Critical Flow model
b) Smart Nagarpalika