E-Governance 2078
Section A
AI is thinking...
Attempt any two questions.(2*10=20)
AI is thinking...
1.Why do we need E-Governance? How can we use E-Governance to provide efficient services to citizens? Explain using suitable example.(3+7)
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2. What is E-Governance model? Explain broadcasting/wider dissemination model and critical flow model in detail.(2+8)
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3. Why do we need IT infrastructure to implement E-Governance? Explain network and computing infrastructure needed to implement E-governance.(3+7)
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Section B
AI is thinking...
Attempt any eight questions.(8*5=40)
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4. Define E-Government. Explain E-Government as an Information System.(1+4)
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5. Why is it necessary to implement ICT in government? Explain.(5)
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6. What is E-Governmant maturity model? Explain closed, initial,and planned level of this model.(1+4)
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7. How can we achieve good governance through E-Government models? Explain.(5)
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8. Define E-readiness. What is data system infrastructural preparedness and technological infrastructural preparedness?(1+4)
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9. What are different approaches to E-Governance security? Explain.(5)
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10. Explain the uses of data warehousing and data mining in health, education and the rural development.(5)
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11. How can we use human resource management software to support E-Government? Explain.(5)
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12. Write short notes on:
a. Electronic service delivery
b. IT in judiciary
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