Fundamentals of Computer Programming 2071
Attempt all questions
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1. Explain the structure of C-Program with example.
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2. What do u mean by statement? Expalin the different types of statement with example.
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3. Explain the relational operator and Increment/decrement operator with example.
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4. What are the four types of control statement use in C programming? Explain
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5.Explain the functions and its types use in C programming with example.
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6.Write a program to accept 10 number and print the sum of these numbers through function.
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7. Explain the use of pointer in c programming. How can your declare the pointer? Explain with example.
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8. Write a program to accept 10 numbers and show them with using pointer.
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9. Write a program to read the data file which has following details.
a. Name b. Age c. Test player d. Total run.
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10. Explain the passing structure to function with example.
Write short notes on:
a. Graphics function b. Formatted I/O
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