Fundamentals of E-Commerce 2071-I
Attempt all questions.
Section A (3x10=30)
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1. What is e-commerce? Explain the framework of e-commerce.
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2. Explain the electronic payments system and its types.
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3. Differentiate between B2B and B2c. Explain the major activities of B2C.
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Section B (6x5=30)
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4. Mention the various advantages and disadvantages of e-commerce.
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5. Define EDI and its components.
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6. Discuss the application of e-commerce in service sector.
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7. Explain the brief architecture of internet.
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8. Explain the digital signature and its application.
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9. Write short note on: (Any Two)
a. Hypertext vs Hypermedia
b. Credit card with encryption
c. Advantages of Data warehouses
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