Fundamentals of E-Commerce 2073
Attempt all questions.
Section A (3x10=30)
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1. Why is security issues important in e-commerce? What are the security issues to be taken into account while designing a security system for e-commerce? Explain.
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2. Explain the types of electronic payment systems are required in e-commerce. Why are there different types of payment systems? Explain with example.
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3. Differentiate between electronic cheque payment and credit card payment. Explain the cheque transaction protocol used in e-commerce.
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Section B (6x5=30)
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4. Explain the client-server network security.
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5. Explain the mercantile process model with example.
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6. Explain the digital token based electronic payment system.
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7. What are the two major EDI standards used in e-commerce? Explain.
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8. Explain the firewall and functions.
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9. Explain C2C E-commerce with example.
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