Fundamentals of E-Commerce 2071-II
Attempt all questions.
Section A (3x10=30)
AI is thinking...
1. Explain the e-commerce framework and its anatomy of applications.
AI is thinking...
2. What do you mean by client-server network security? Explain the data and message security with example?
AI is thinking...
3. Define the electronic payment systems. Explain the types of electronic payment system with example.
AI is thinking...
Section B (6x5=30)
AI is thinking...
4. What do you mean by internet governance? Explain.
AI is thinking...
5. Explain the consumer oriented application of e-commerce.
AI is thinking...
6. Explain the threat on electronic payment system.
AI is thinking...
7. Explain the EDI application in business.
AI is thinking...
8. Explain the corporate data warehouses.
AI is thinking...
9. Explain the dimensions of electronic commerce system.
AI is thinking...