Introduction to Cognitive Science 2067(old)
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2. Define and explain artificial intelligence. Act rationally is an important part of artificial intelligence. justify it with suitable example.
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3. The object based system can represent knowledge, explain it with practical examples.
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4. Explain the algorithm of breadth first search with suitable example. How can you modify it, explain.
What do you mean by A* search? Explain it with an algorithm and suitable example.
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5. Why Turing machine is required? Design a Turing machine with finite west of states as q0, q1, and q2, alphabets are "a" and "b", initial state is q0 and assume 5 with suitable examples.
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6. List down the all Chomsky hierarchies. Explain in detail about type 0 with practical examples.
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7. Explain the mathematical model of neural network system with suitable example. Also explain the importance of neural networks.
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8. Explain the perceptron with suitable suitable practical example and algorithm.
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9. Explain penrose approach in the cognitive science. What is its relation with Descartes, explain with suitable example.
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10. Why lexicon and morphology are required in natural language processing, explain suitable example?
What are the parameters of language processing? Explain in detail about syntax with suitable example.
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