Introduction to Cognitive Science 2070
Attempt ll the questions.
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1. Define the cognitive science and its applications in computer science. Compare cognitive science with other science.
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2. Explain the architecture of an expert system and its applicability in different areas.
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3. Explain the various approaches and issues in knowledge representation and also explain the various problems in representing knowledge.
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4. Differentiate between procedural and declaration knowledge with an example.
Explain A* search algorithm with example.
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5. Explain the breadth first search technique with example and also explain the benefits of it.
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6. Derive the mathematical model of neural network system with example and also explain about its importance.
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7. What are the steps in natural language processing? List and explain them briefly.
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8. Explain the Chomsky Hierarchy with example.
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9. Explain the pinker approach in the cognitive science. What is its relation with Descartes? Explain.
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10. Why lexicon and morphology are needed in natural language processing? Explain with example.
Explain the parameter of natural language processing with its syntax and example.
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