Introduction to Cognitive Science 2068

Question Paper Details
Tribhuwan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Bachelor Level / Fourth Semester / Science
Computer Science and Information Technology ( CSC-255 )
( Introduction to Cognitive Science )
Full Marks: 60
Pass Marks: 24
Time: 3 hours
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt all the questions.

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1. Define cognitive science with two examples. Compare it with psychology and explain with suitable example.

10 marks
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2. Explain briefly the background of artificial intelligence. The rational thinking is important in artificial, justify it with suitable example.

10 marks
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3. Knowledge can be represented with if then rules, explain it with two practical examples.

10 marks
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4. The searching can be represented using tree. Explain the algorithm of depth first search with suitable example.


Hill-climbing search is a heuristic search, justify it along with algorithm and practical example.

10 marks
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5. What do you understand by Turing machine? Design a Turing machine with finite set of states as q0 and q1, alphabets are 'a' and 'b', initial state is q0 and assume 6 suitable transitions.

10 marks
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6. Explain the basic model for computation with suitable practical example.

10 marks
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7. What are the importance of neural network? Explain the mathematical model of neural network system with suitable example.

10 marks
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8. What do you mean by Hebbian Learning? Explain it with suitable practical example and algorithm.

10 marks
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9. Explain Gelernter approach in the cognitive science. What is its relation with Descartes, explain with suitable example.

10 marks
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10. Differentiate between natural language understanding and generating with suitable example.


List the parameters of natural language processing. Explain in detail about auditory inputs with suitable example.

10 marks
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