Introduction to Cryptography 2069
all questions.
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1. Answer the following questions in short (Any
Five). (5 × 2 = 10)
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a. How monoalphabetic substitution differs from polyalphabetic.
Briefly define with suitable example.
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b. What are the components of authentication system? Give an
example of authentication system.
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c. What do you mean by avalanche effect?
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d. How chosen plaintext attack differs from chosen ciphertext
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e. What do you mean by multiplicative inverse? Find multiplicative
inverse of each nonzero elements in Z11.
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f. Even though we have a strong algorithm like 3-DES, still AES is
preferred as a reasonable candidate for long term use. Why?
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g. Give an example for a situation that compromise in
confidentiality leads to compromise in integrity.
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2. a) Consider a Deffie-Hellman scheme with a common prime p = 11 and a primitive root g= 2.
i. Show that 2 is a primitive
root of 11.
ii. If user A has
public key Ya = 9, what is A’s private key Xa?
iii. If
user B has public key Yb = 3, what is shared key K, shared with A. (3x2=6)
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b) Construct a playfair matrix with the key “KEYWORD”. Using this
matrix encrypt the message “WHY DON’T
YOU”. (4)
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3. a) How Trojan horse
differs from viruses? Discuss about possible types of Trojan horses. (2+3)
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b) Does Kerberos protocol ensures authentication and
confidentiality in secure system? Explain. (5)
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4. a) How Hash functions differ from MAC? Given a message m, discuss what arithmetic and logical functions are used by MD4 to produce message digest of 128 bits. (2+4)
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b) Discuss the five principle services provided by PGP
protocol. (4)
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5. a) What is the purpose of S-Boxes in DES? Prove that DES satisfies complementation property? (6)
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Given the plaintext “ABRA KA DABRA”, compute the ciphertext for (4)
i. The Ceaser cipher with key = 8
ii. The
Railfence cipher with rails = 3
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6. a) What do you mean by digital signature? How digital signatures can be enforced using encryptions? Illustrate with an example. (1+5)
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b) Determine whether the integers 105 and 294 are relatively
prime. Explain your answer using Euclidean algorithm. (4)
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