Introduction to Cryptography 2073
Attempt all questions.
1. Answer the following questions in short (Any Five).
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a. Why the procedure used during encryption-decryption process of
DES is often known as managing or criss-crossing?
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b. What do you mean by reply attacks? Describe with an example.
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c. Find Multiplicative inverse of each nonzero element in Z6.
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d. Mention the image resistive properties of Hash functions.
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e. How rabbits and bacterium can be malicious to a secure system?
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f. What do you mean by one-time signatures?
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g. How security at application layer can be achieved?
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2. a) Describe Extended Euclidean Algorithm. Use this algorithm to test whether any two number n1, n2 are co-prime or not?
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b) How IDEA operates on 64-bit blocks using 128-bit
key? Describe each round of operations that IDEA follows to generate ciphertext
of a 64-bit input message block.
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3. a) How padding is done in SHA-1? How 160-bit of hash value is generated by taking an input message of variable size using SHA-1?
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b) Construct a playfair matrix with the key EXAMPLE.
Using this matrix encrypt the message “Hide the Gold”.
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4. a) In a RSA system, a user has chosen the primes 5 and 19 to create a key pair. The public key is (5, n) and the private key is (d, n). Decide the private key (d, n). Show encryption and decryption process for the message “Drogba”.
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b) How SSL Record Protocol provides security in Secure
Socket Layer Protocol?
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5. a) Why hash functions are known to be best option for digital signature schemes? How about the use of encryption paradigms for generating digital signatures?
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b) Encrypt the message “NANI” using the Hill cipher
with the key . Show your calculations and the result.
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6. a) How Man-In-Middle attack is possible in Deffie-Hellman Algorithm. Support answer with a numerical computation. Chose the required parameters with your own assumptions.
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b) Define authentication system. How hardware based
challenge response systems can be used as authentication approach.
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