Mathematics II 2070
Attempt all questions:
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Group A (10 x 2 = 20)
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1. Why the system x1 - 3x2 = 4; -3x1 + 9x2 = 8 is consistent? Give the graphical representation?
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2. Define linear combination of vectors. If v1, v2,v3 are vectors, Write the linear combination of 3v1 - 5v2 + 7v3 as a matrix times a vector.
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3. Is invertible matrix?
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4. Define invertible linear transformation.
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5. Let S be the parallelogram determined by the vectors b1 = (1, 3) and b2 = (5, 1) and let Compute the area of the image S under the mapping
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6. Define vector space.
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7. Show that the entries in the vector x = (1, 6) are the coordinates of x relative to the standard basis (e1, e2).
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8. Is an Eigen value of
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9. Find the inner product of (1, 2, 3) and (2, 3, 4).
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10. Compute the norm between the vectors 4 = (7, 1) and v = (3, 2).
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Group B (5 x 4 = 20)
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11. A linear transformation is defined by
. Find the image of T of
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12. If compute (Ax)T, xTAT and xxT. Can you compute xTAT?
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13. If b1 = (2, 1), and B = {b1, b2}, find the co-ordinate vector [x]B of x relative to B.
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14. Find the eigen values of .
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15. Show that {v1, v2, v3} is an orthogonal set, where v1 = (3,1,1), v2 = (-1, 2, 1),
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Group C (5 x 8 = 40)
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16. Let a1 = (1, 2, -5), a2 = (2,5,-3) and b = (7,4, -3). Determine whether b can be generated as a linear combination of a1 and a2. That is, determine whether x1 and x2 exists such that x1a1 + x2a2 = b
has the solution , find it.
Determine if the following system is consistent
x2 - 4x3 = 8
2x1 - 3x2 + 2x3 = 1
5x1 - 8x2 + 7x3 = 1
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17. Compute the multiplication of partitioned matrices for
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18. Let b1 = (1,0,3), b2 = (1,-1,2) and x = (3,-5,4). Does B={b1, b2, b3} form a basis? Find [x]B, for x.
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19. Diagonalize the matrix, if possible
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20. When two vectors u and v orthogonal? If u and v are vectors, prove that [dist(u, -v)]2 = [dist(u, v)]2 if u, v = 0.
Find a least square solution of Ax = b for
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