Mathematics II 2074
Attempt all questions:
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Group A (10 x 2 = 20)
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1. What are the criteria for a rectangular matrix to be in echelon form?
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2. prove that (a) (AT)T = A (b) (A + B)T = AT + BT , Where A and B denote matrices whose size are appropriate for the above mentioned operations.
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4. Let A and B be two square matrices. By taking suitable examples, show that even though AB and BA may not be equal, it is always true that detAB = detBA.
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5. Using Cramer's rule solve the following simultaneous equations:
5x + 7y = 3
2x + 4y = 1
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6. Define vector space with suitable examples.
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7. Let W be the set of all vectors of the form , where b and c are arbitrary. Find vector u and v such that W = Span {u, v}.
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8. What are necessary and sufficient conditions for a matrix to be invertible?
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9. Determine whether the pair of vectors are orthogonal or not?
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10. What do you understand by least square line? Illustrate.
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Group B (5 x 4 = 20)
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11. What are the criteria for a transformation T to be linear? If is defined by T(x) = 3x,
Show that T is a linear transformation. Also give a geometric description of the transformation
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12. Prove that if A is an invertible matrix, then so is AT, and the inverse of AT is the transpose of A-1.
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13. Define subspace of a vector space V. Given v1 and v2 in a vector space V, let H = span {v1, v2}. Show that H is a subspace of V.
If is a basis for a vector space V and x is in V, define the coordinate of x relative to the basis
. Let
is a basis for H = Span {v1, v2}. Determine is X is in H, and if it is, find the coordinate vector of x relative to
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14. The mapping defined by T(a0 + a1t + a2t2) = a1 + 2a2t is a linear transformation.
a) Find the matrix for T, when
is the basis {1, t, t2}.
b) Verify that [T(p)]B = [T]B[p]B for each p in P2.
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15. Let Find a least square solution of Ax = b, and compute the associated least square error.
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Group C (5 x 8 = 40)
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16. Let be a linear transformation and let A be the standard matrix for T. Then prove that: T map Rn on to Rm if and only if the columns of A span Rm; and T is one-to-one if and only if the columns of A are linearly independent. Let T(x1, x2) = (3x1 + x2, 5x1 + 7x2, x1 + 3x2). Show that T is a one-to-one linear transformation. Does T map R2 onto R3?
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17. Compute the multiplication of partitioned matrices for
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18. Let be a basis for a vector space V. Then the coordinate mapping
is one-to-one linear transformation from V into Rn. Let
a) Show that the set is a basis of R3.
b) Find the change of coordinates matrix for to the standard basis.
c) Write the equation that relates x in R3 to .
d) Find for the x give above.
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19. Diagonalize the matrix if possible.
Suppose A = PDP-1, where D is a diagonal n x n matrix. If is the basis for Rn formed for the columns of P, then prove that D is the
matrix for the transformation. Define
, where
Find a basis
for R2 with the property that the
matrix for T is a diagonal matrix.
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20. What is a least squares solution? Find a least squares solution of Ax = b, where
What do you understand by orthonormal set? Show that {v1, v2, v3} is an orthonormal basis of R3, where
Prove that an m x n matrix U has orthonormal columns if and only if UTU = 1.
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