NET Centric Computing 2072

Question Paper Details
Tribhuwan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Bachelor Level / Sixth Semester / Science
Computer Science and Information Technology ( CSC367 )
( NET Centric Computing )
Full Marks: 60
Pass Marks: 24
Time: 3 hours
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt the following questions .

Official Answer
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1. Briefly explain the following

a. Web Forms

b. Inline and Code Behind Approach of ASP .Net pages

c. IIS

d. ASP Applications

e. Static and dynamic page

10 marks
Official Answer
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2.a) Why HTTP is called a stateless protocol? What is session? Explain ASP Session Object with some of its properties and methods.

b) What is scripting dictionary object in ASP? Compare it with array. Explain some properties and methods of dictionary object with example.

10 marks
Official Answer
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3.a) Write a two-page ASP web application where, the first page asks user to enter basic information and the second page displays all the information entered by the user after submitting it.

b) Explain the advantages of ASP .Net over ASP. How errors are handled in ASP?

10 marks
Official Answer
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4.a) Why does server need to check browser capabilities? Give an example of how browser capabilities are maintained in Browscap.ini file.

b) Explain the use of BeginTrans, CommitTrans and RollBackTrans in controlling transaction in ASP with an example.

10 marks
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5.a) Explain RecordSet Filter property with an example? Discuss briefly about the Stores Procedure with an example.

b) What do you mean by an object? How can you define properties of an object?Illustrate the examples of Class and Objects in C#.

10 marks
Official Answer
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6.a) Why do we need input validation controls? List down all validation controls used in ASP .Net. Explain RequiredField Validator and Range Validator and write example code to show how they are used to validate user inputs.

b) What is ADO .Net? Explain the use of Connection, Command and DataReader objects in connecting to a database and retrieving results with an example.

10 marks
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