NET Centric Computing 2073
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1. Briefly explain the following
a. HTTP Protocol
b. Web Server Controls
c. Cookies
d. ASP Applications
e. Stored Procedure
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2.a) Differentiate between Static Pages and Dynamic pages with their advantages and disadvantages ?
b) Explain ADO Architecture for database access in ASP in example.
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3. a. Explain ASP Application and Server Object with example.
b. Why do we need session? Explain with example how from collection of an ASP Request Object is different from Query String Collection.
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4.a. What is scripting dictionary object in ASP? Explain some properties and methods of dictionary object with example.
b. Write a two-pare ASP web application where, the first asks user to enter basic information and the second page displays all the information entered by the user after submitting it.
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5.a) Why does server need to check browser capabilities? Write an example code to send email in ASP.
b. Discuss the structure of an ASP.Net page with an exam[ple.
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6.a. Define Partial, Sealed, Abstract class and Interface with example of each.
b. What is different input validation control used in ASP. Net. Explain any two of them with example code showing how they are used to validate user inputs.
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