Object Oriented Programming 2067

Tribhuwan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Bachelor Level / Third Semester / Science
Computer Science and Information Technology ( CSC-202 )
( Object Oriented Programming )
Full Marks: 60
Pass Marks: 24
Time: 3 hours
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Section A

Attempt any two questions: (2x10=20)

1. Discuss the feature of the Object-Oriented Programming. Differentiate between Object Oriented Programming and Procedural Oriented Programming.

10 marks view

2. What is constructor? Explain their types? Discuss user defined parameterized constructor with suitable example.

10 marks view

3. Define a clock class (with necessary constructors and member functions) in Object Oriented  Programming (abstract necessary attributes and their types). (Write a complete code in C++ programming language). 

  • Derive a wall_clock class from clock class adding necessary attributes. 
  • Create two objects of wall_clock class with all initial state to 0 or NULL.
10 marks view

Section B

Attempt any eight questions: (8x5 = 40)

4. How can you classify objects? Why dynamic objects are needed?

5 marks view

5. What is operator overloading? Explain their types with suitable examples.

5 marks view

6. Why type conversion is necessary in OOP? Explain with example, the type conversion routine.

5 marks view

7. What is Inheritance? Explain their types with their suitable examples.

5 marks view

8. What is friend function? Why it is used in OOP? Explain with an example.

5 marks view

9. What is container class? Differentiate container class from inheritance.

5 marks view