Object Oriented Programming 2071
Section A
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Attempt any two questions: (2x10=20)
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1. Why do we need object oriented programming? How can we use inheritance to reuse already written and tested code in programs? Discuss with suitable example. (3+3+4)
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2. Discuss features of class and object. Design a class to represent a bank account with data members name, account-number, account-type, and balance and functions to assign initial values, to deposit an amount, to withdraw an amount after checking balance, and to display the name and balance. (4+6)
- Class is a user defined data type, which holds its own data members and member functions, which can be accessed and used by creating instance of that class.
- The variables inside class definition are called as data members and the functions are called member functions.
- Class name must start with an uppercase letter. If class name is made of more than one word, then first letter of each word must be in uppercase.
- Classes contain, data members and member functions, and the access of these data members and variable depends on the access specifiers.
- Class's member functions can be defined inside the class definition or outside the class definition.
- Objects of class holds separate copies of data members. We can create as many objects of a class as we need.
- Objects are instances of class, which holds the data variables declared in class and the member functions work on these class objects.
- Each object has different data variables.
- Objects are initialized using special class functions called Constructors.
- And whenever the object is out of its scope, another special class member function called Destructor is called, to release the memory reserved by the object.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Bank
char name[20];
char account_type[20];
int account_number;
int balance;
void initialize()
cout<<"\\nEnter Account Holders Name:";
cout<<"\\nEnter Account type:";
cout<<"\\nEnter account number:";
cout<<"\\nEnter balance to deposit:";
void deposit()
int bal;
cout<<"\\nEnter the amout to deposit:";
cout<<"\\nAmount deposited successfuly!!\\nYour New Balance:"<<balance;
void withdraw()
int bal;
cout<<"\\nYour balance :"<<balance<<"\\nEnter amount to withdraw:";
cout<<"\\nRemaining Balance:"<<balance;
cout<<"Cannot withdraw amount!!";
void display()
cout<<"\\nName :"<<name;
cout<<"\\nAccout Type:"<<account_type;
cout<<"\\nAccount No."<<account_number;
cout<<"\\nBalance :"<<balance;
int main()
int i;
Bank bk;
cout<<"\\n1. Your Information\\n2. Deposit\\n3. Withdraw\\nEnter your choice:\\n";
else if(i==2)
else if(i==3)
return 0;
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3. What is operator overloading? What are the benefits of operator overloading? How is operator overloading different from function overloading. Write a program that shows an example of function overloading. (2+2+2+4)
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Section B
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Attempt any eight questions: (8x5 = 40)
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4. Display polymorphism with example.
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5. What is library function? How is it different from user defined function?
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6. What is library function? How is it different from user defined function?
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7. Discuss the use of inline function with example.
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8. What is constructor? Differentiate it with destructor.
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9. Explain about accessing a member function outside a class with example.
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