Object Oriented Programming 2069
Section A
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Attempt any two questions: (2x10=20)
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1. Differentiate between structural programming approach and object oriented programming approach. Explain the inheritance, polymorphism with example.
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2. How is a member function of a class defined? Define friend function. What are the merits and demerits of using friend function? Explain.
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3. Define constructor, list some of the special properties of the constructor functions
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Section B
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Attempt any eight questions: (8x5 = 40)
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4. Explain the do while structure.
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5. Explain the inline function with example.
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6. How is dynamic initialization of objects achieved?
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7. What are the importance of destructors?
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8. What is an operator function? Explain with syntax.
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9. Explain with example, how you create space for array of object using pointers?
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10. Explain the features of I/O system supported by C++.
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11. Differentiate between overloaded functions and function templates.
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12. What are the main advantages of using exception handling mechanism in a program?
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13. What are the major differences between overriding and overloading?
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