Real Time Systems 2069
Group A
AI is thinking...
Attempt any Two questions:(2 x 12 = 24)
AI is thinking...
1. What is real time system? Explain its various components with a suitable block diagram. Explain the RADAR signals processing with block diagram.
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2. What do you mean by static computation in fixed-priority systems? Explain with example.
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3. What are the three commonly used approaches to scheduling the real time systems? Compare each of them.
AI is thinking...
Group B
AI is thinking...
Attempt any Eight questions. (8 x 7 = 56)
AI is thinking...
4. What is digital control? Explain with example.
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5. What is soft real time systems? Explain with example.
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6. Differentiate between dynamic system and static systems with example.
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7. Explain the sporadic server in fixed priority system.
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8. Explain the slack computation in fixed priority system with example.
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9. What are the procedures of a simple acceptance test in deadline-driven systems? Explain.
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10. What are the properties of the priority-inheritance protocol? Explain.
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11. Explain the weighted round robin service disciplines with example.
AI is thinking...
12. Explain the real time communication model with diagram.
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13. Write short notes on:
a. Fixed Priority Scheduling in CAN
b. Greedy WRR discipline
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