Real Time Systems 2071(II)
Group A
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Attempt any Two questions:(2 x12 = 24)
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1. Describe the rules for basic priority inheritance protocol with example.
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2. Define resource reservation protocol. Explain in brief, the different types of issues that a resource reservation protocol must deal with.
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3. Define rate-monotonic (RM) and deadline-monotonic (DM) algorithms. Describe the DM algorithm with example.
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Group B
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Attempt any Eight questions.(8 x 7 = 56)
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4. What do you understand by "Tracking" and "Gating" in a Radar system? Explain.
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5. What are the meanings of hard real time system, hard timing constraints and temporal quality of service guarantees?
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6. Define release time jitter, relative deadline, and hyper period. If the execution times of three periodic tasks are 1, 1 and 3, and their periods are 3, 4, and 10, then find out the total number of jobs in the hyper-period, and total utilization of jobs.
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7. Describe the significance of laxity type with the help of suitable diagram.
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8. Differentiate between dynamic systems and static system in real time systems.
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9. Why does the scheduler perform an acceptance test while scheduling sporadic jobs? Explain.
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10. Define Deferrable server.State and explain the consumption and replenishment rules of deferrable servers.
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11. Describe the meaning of resource conflict, blocking, priority inversion, and deadlock caused by resource contention.
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12. Describe the meaning of job shops and flow shops of end to end tasks in a multiprocessor scheduling.
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13. Write short notes on:(Any Two)
a. Service discipline in real time communication
b. Critical section and outermost critical section
c. Context switches
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