Real Time Systems 2079
Group A
Attempt any two questions.(2*12=24)
1. What is real system? Explain its various components with a suitable block diagram.
2. Differentiate between fixed priority and dynamic priority algorithms.
3. Differentiate between rate-monotonic and deadline monotonic algorithms with example.
Group B
Attempt any Eight questions(8*7=56)
4. Differentiate between fixed priority and dynamic priority algorithms.
5. What is the use of priority ceiling protocol?
6. Explain the different issues that needs to be dealt by a resource reservation protocol within a multicast environment.
7. Highlight on resource parameters of jobs. Why is it critical?
8. Highlight on the requirements of Real-time Multimedia Traffic.
9. Explain Priority-Inversion with the help of timing diagram.
10.What do you mean by scheduling hierarchy? Explain.
11. Example digital control with example.
12. Explain clock driven approach. What are its disadvantages?
13. Write short notes (any two)
a. Priority inheritance
b. Critical instants
c. Soft real time system