Technical Writing 2067-II
Attempt All the Questions.
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1. Describe how you can use the online help or manual to find how to add a customized dictionary for technical words in your computer, and once added, how to open or close the dictionary. [15]
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2. What is communication? What are the factors to consider in technical communication? [15]
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3. Arrange the following transition words into the categories of sequence, Examples, Contract, and Conclusion, and then use the transition words in your own sentence, however, instead, in addition, therefore, finally, particularly, in short, thus, such as, for example, otherwise. [10]
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4. Write a sample cover letter to accompany your resume for a position in your field to the following person. [15]
Mr. R. C. Shrestha
Uni Tech International GPO Box 0000
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5. Give instructions for operating a personal computer. [10]
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6. Explain computer-aided writing or explain what informative summaries are. [15]
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