Technical Writing 2069
Attempt all the questions.
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1. Prepare a newspaper article in about 250 words making a comparison (and contrast) between writing with and without a computer. [10]
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2. Write a job application on the basis of the given advertisement. Give your recent resume along with the application. [15]
International has a vacancy for a Computer Engineer to work on contract for
five years Interested
candidates with qualification and experience are Requested to apply within a
week to The Executive Manager Aakriti International Lazimpat
Kathmandu E-mail: |
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3. Write two paragraph on advantages and disadvantages of wireless communication (devices such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi) using these expressions: in short, in other words, namely, that is, for instance, however, finally, such as, otherwise, whereas. [15]
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4. What is graphic presentation technique? What are the advantages of the use of graphs, charts, pictures, and tables in technical communication? [15]
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5. Imagine you are the Head of the Department of Computer Science an Information Technology and also imagine that you have conducted a Departmental meeting of all teaching staff. Now prepare a formal minute of the meeting with agenda and resolutions. [15]
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6. Write a technical description of your new laptop with its special features [10]
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