Technical Writing 2071
Attempt all the questions.
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1. Prepare a newspaper article with due organization and layout in about 250 word using symbols and abbreviation while preparing the article in the computer. [15]
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2. What major items are included under the reference of grammar unit in Technical writing courses? Give brief explanation of each item of grammar unit with suitable example [10]
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3. Define each component of writing elements. How does each of them complement the other and what process or element makes writing readable? [15]
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4. Discuss advantages and disadvantages of wide spread use of ‘e’ service in general and ‘email’ in particular in personal and institutional purpose. For example : e-banking, payment of service charges like telephone, electricity and drinking water and admission and result of colleges and universities. [15]
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5. Write a technical description of a recently bought colour laser printer with its special features. If necessary give some sketches to clarify your description. [10]
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6. Suppose you are the Head of the Department of Computer Science and Information Technology and you have assigned a particular task to each student of 4th semester for class presentation through multimedia. Now prepare a formal report with informative summary of each student’s presentation [15].
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