Technical Writing 2075
Attempt all the questions.
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1. Write a business letter to a Chinese computer company, Beijing for regular supply of assembled computers and computers parts as you are running a computer shop at New Road, Kathmandu. Include the issues or modality of payment and possible problems in business transaction. [15]
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2. Write a newspaper article on "use of computer in Higher education" using headings subheadings, you should write it thinking about the aim and audience of your writing. [10]
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3. Write in detail on advantages and disadvantages using Facebook, Twitter and google+ for communication. In your write up use these expressions! in brief,whereas, however, though, even though, at first, in general, finally. [15]
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4. Explain the importance of using table, illustrations, graphic presentation in an academic writing. Give some suitable examples. [15]
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5. Define "simple sentence", "complex sentence" and "compound sentence". Give three examples for each type. [10]
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6. What's technical communication? How does it differ from other types of communication? What features help making communication 'technical'? [15]
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