Data Warehousing and Data Mining - Old Questions

Question Answer Details

1.  You are given the transaction data shown below from a fast food restaurant. There are 9 distinct transactions (order 1 to order 9). There are total 5 meal (M1 to M5) involved in transactions.

Meal ItemsList of item IDsMeal Items
List of item IDs

order 1

order 2

order 3

order 4

order 5

M1, M2, M5

M2, M4

M2, M3

M1, M2, M4

M1, M3

order 6

order 7

order 8

order 9

M2, M3

M1, M3

M1, M2, M3, M5

M1, M2, M3

Minimum support =2, Minimum confidence = 0,7

Apply the Apriori algorithm to the database to identify frequent k-itemset and find all strong association rules.

10 marks
Asked in 2074


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