Software Project Management 2074

Tribhuwan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Bachelor Level / Seventh Semester / Science
Computer Science and Information Technology ( CSC415 )
( Software Project Management )
Full Marks: 60
Pass Marks: 24
Time: 3 hours
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Group A

Long Answer Questions (Attempt any two) (2x10=20)

1. What is software project management? How software project differs from other projects?

10 marks view

We are greatful to  Manish Kumar Shah , Sushma Godwari College Itahari for answering this question

How Software Project is differs from others?

Many of the techniques of general Project Management are applicable to software Project management but (Fried Books) Pointed out that the Products of software Projects have certain characteristics that make them different

->One Way of perceiving software project management is as the process of making visible that which is invisible. Invisibility:- When a physical artefact such as a bridge or road is being constructed the progress being made can easily be seen .With Software progress is not immediately seen. This is invisibility in progress is software project means customer of software project can't see the outcome in middle of project, because customer's don't know about coding and other technical work and s we know an incomplete project will not give outcome. consequently it becomes very difficult to satisfy customers of software project that actually their work is being done by them. Complexity:- We can't measure complexity of software project until we actually work on it. Flexibility:- One good Point of Software Project is that, they are flexible. Customer only wants final result, so rest of things are in control of programmer, he can modify software at any stage. Conformity:-Software Project are based on logical work ,while other are passed on physical work. Software developers have to conform to the requirement of human clients.

2. Differentiate between strategic Assessment and technical assessment. Explain the steps involved in cost benefit analysis?

10 marks view

3. Explain the risk type and also explain in details how will you managing risks.

10 marks view

Answered by Anonymous

Risk is an unexpected event; happening of which can cause loss or sort of harm.

Risk Types: Interest Rate Risk: It is the risk of adverse effect of interest rate movements on a firm’s profits or balance sheet. Credit Risk: It is the risk which may arise due to default of the counter-party. Liquidity Risk: It is the risk which arises if the given asset or fund is not traded at right time in the market. Internal Business Risk: it is due the inefficiency of management in the business. External Business Risk: This type of risk arises due to external environment in the business. Financial Risks: This risk originates due to improper composition of the operations. Market Risk: This is the risk which occurs due to market conditions which results in reduction in returns expected on investment. It is also referred to as price risk. All risk management processes follow the same basic steps, although sometimes different jargon is used to describe these steps. Together these 5 risk management process steps combine to deliver a simple and effective risk management process

Step 1: Identify the Risk. You and your team uncover, recognize and describe risks that might affect your project or its outcomes. There are a number of techniques you can use to find project risks. During this step you start to prepare your Project Risk Register.

Step 2: Analyze the risk. Once risks are identified you determine the likelihood and consequence of each risk. You develop an understanding of the nature of the risk and its potential to affect project goals and objectives. This information is also input to your Project Risk Register.

Step 3: Evaluate or Rank the Risk. You evaluate or rank the risk by determining the risk magnitude, which is the combination of likelihood and consequence. You make decisions about whether the risk is acceptable or whether it is serious enough to warrant treatment. These risk rankings are also added to your Project Risk Register.

Step 4: Treat the Risk. This is also referred to as Risk Response Planning. During this step you assess your highest ranked risks and set out a plan to treat or modify these risks to achieve acceptable risk levels. How can you minimize the probability of the negative risks as well as enhancing the opportunities? You create risk mitigation strategies, preventive plans and contingency plans in this step. And you add the risk treatment measures for the highest ranking or most serious risks to your Project Risk Register.

Step 5: Monitor and Review the risk. This is the step where you take your Project Risk Register and use it to monitor, track and review risks.

Group B

Short Answer Question (Attempt any eight) (8x5=40)

4. List out the activities used in SPM.

5 marks view

5. Explain the use of decision tree in Risk Evaluation.

5 marks view

Answered by Anonymous

Decision trees allow project managers to distinguish between decisions where we have control and chance events that may or may not happen. It takes account of the costs and rewards of decision options as well as the probabilities and impacts of associated risks. Structured analysis using “rolling forward” and “folding back” allows the best decision option to be taken based on calculation of Expected Monetary Value, although this may be influenced by the risk appetite of the organization. The decision tree technique offers a powerful way of describing, understanding and analyzing uncertainty, and can be a valuable part of the toolkit for any project manager who needs to make decisions where the outcome is uncertain.

6. Briefly explain about risk planning and controlling.

5 marks view

7. Explain the process of collecting the data.

5 marks view

8. How you can select the right person for the job? Explain.

5 marks view

Answered by Anonymous

  1. Create a job specification: Advice is needed, as there will be legal implications in an official document. However, formally or informally, the requirements of the job should be documented and agreed.
  2. Create a jo holder profile: Using the job specification, a profile of the person needed to carry out the job in constructed. The qualities, qualification, education and experience required would be listed.
  3. Obtain applicants: Typically an advertisement would be placed, either within the organization or outside in the trade or local press. The job holder profile would be examined carefully to identify the medium most likely to reach the largest number of potential applications at least cost.
  4. Examine CV: These should be read carefully and compared to the job holder profile nothings is more annoying for all concerned than when people have CVs which clearly indicate that they are not eligible for the job and yet they are called for interview.
  5. Interview: A number of different selection techniques can be tried, including aptitude tests, personality tests, and examination of samples of previous work. All these methods must be related to specific qualities detailed in the job holder profile.
  6. Other Procedures: Reference will need to be taken up where necessary and a medical examination might be needed.

9. Define software quality and its importance.

5 marks view

10. Explain about SCM tasks and tools.

5 marks view

11. Explain the visualizing progress in details with example.

5 marks view

answered by anonymous

A manager needs some way of presenting that data to greatest effect. Some methods of presenting picture are, Gantt chart – tracking project progress .It is the simple and the oldest form of representing the progress of the project. It consists of activity bar that indicates the scheduled activity dates and the duration along with the activity floats. Slip chart – visual indication of activities that are not progressing to schedule. Alternative view of Gantt chart by providing a visual indication of those activities which are not on schedule. The more bend in the greater the variation in the project plan. If the slip line deviates more towards the non achievement of project objectives then it has to be reconsidered. Additional slip lines can be included at regular intervals. Ball charts – way of showing or not targets have been met or not. It is represented in the form of circles that indicate the start and the end point completion of activities. Circles of the ball chart mostly contain only two dates the original and the revised one. An activity is denoted by a red circle and green color denotes that the activity is ahead of its schedule. Slippage in the project completion date but it is overcome by the timeline charts TimeLine: The timeline is a method of recording and displaying the way in which targets have changed throughout the duration of the project.

12. Explain the software configuration management and its roles.

5 marks view

Answered by: Ashok Bhattarai

Software Configuration Management(SCM) is a process to systematically manage, organize, and control the changes in the documents, codes, and other entities during the Software Development Life Cycle. Tasks in SCM process:- a) Configuration Identification: Configuration identification is a method of determining the scope of the software system. With the help of this step, you can manage or control something even if you don't know what it is. It is a description that contains the CSCI type (Computer Software Configuration Item), a project identifier and version information. b) Baseline: A baseline is a formally accepted version of a software configuration item. It is designated and fixed at a specific time while conducting the SCM process. It can only be changed through formal change control procedures. c) Change Control: Change control is a procedural method which ensures quality and consistency when changes are made in the configuration object. In this step, the change request is submitted to software configuration manager. d) Configuration Status Accounting: Configuration status accounting tracks each release during the SCM process. This stage involves tracking what each version has and the changes that lead to this version. e) Configuration Audits and Reviews: Software Configuration audits verify that all the software product satisfies the baseline needs. It ensures that what is built is what is delivered. Roles of SPM are:- a) Configuration Manager: Configuration Manager is the head who is Responsible for identifying configuration items. CM ensures team follows the SCM process. He or She needs to approve or reject change requests b) Developer: The developer needs to change the code as per standard development activities or change requests. He is responsible for maintaining configuration of code. The developer should check the changes and resolves conflicts. c) Auditor: The auditor is responsible for SCM audits and reviews. Need to ensure the consistency and completeness of release. d) User: The end user should understand the key SCM terms to ensure he has the latest version of the software.

13. Write short notes on:

a. SPM software

b. Critical Path

5 marks view