Software Project Management 2078(New Course)

Tribhuwan University
Institute of Science and Technology
2078(New Course)
Bachelor Level / Seventh Semester / Science
Computer Science and Information Technology ( CSC415 )
( Software Project Management )
Full Marks: 60
Pass Marks: 24
Time: 3 hours
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Section A

Attempt any Two questions:(2*10=20)

1. Perform Earned Value Analysis of the given project.(10)

The progress after the end of 12th day is as follows:

Calculate SV, SPI,CV and CPI respectively.

10 marks view

2. Differentiate between programme management and portfolio management. Define Payback period. How can it be used as an evaluation technique? What are its advantages and disadvantages?(5+2+1+2)

10 marks view

3. Suppose you have been assigned to develop online voting system. List four risks that might affect the success of the system. Rank the risks based on Risk exposure. Develop contingency plan for the highest ranked risk.(2+6+2)

10 marks view

Section B

Attempt any Eight questions: (8*5 = 40)

4. Calculate ROI for the following project.(5)

5 marks view

5. Differentiate between activity-based approach and hybrid-based approach for identifying activities.(5)

5 marks view

6. Why software project management is a challenging activity?(5)

5 marks view

7. Draw precedence network diagram for the following and identify the critical path.

5 marks view

8. Explain Maslow's hierarchy of needs.(5)

5 marks view

9. Briefly explain different quality factors.(5)

5 marks view

10. Explain the process of Software Configuration Management.(5)

5 marks view

11. Different between Gantt chant and slip chart.(5)

5 marks view

14. Write short notes on:

a. Present worth

b. PERT chart

5 marks view