Software Project Management 2076

Tribhuwan University
Institute of Science and Technology
Bachelor Level / Seventh Semester / Science
Computer Science and Information Technology ( CSC415 )
( Software Project Management )
Full Marks: 60
Pass Marks: 24
Time: 3 hours
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Group A

Long Answer Questions (Attempt any two) (2x10=20)

1. Explain the important activities that a software project manager performs during software project planning.

10 marks view

Answered by Daneci

Project planning process consists of the following activities. Any software project manager performs these tasks during software planning. Identification of project requirements: Before starting a project, it is essential to identify the project requirements as identification of project requirements helps in performing the activities in a systematic manner. These requirements comprise information such as project scope, data and functionality required in the software, and roles of the project management team members. Identification of cost estimates: Along with the estimation of effort and time, it is necessary to estimate the cost that is to be incurred on a project. The cost estimation includes the cost of hardware, network connections, and the cost required for the maintenance of hardware components. In addition, cost is estimated for the individuals involved in the project. Identification of risks: Risks are unexpected events that have an adverse effect on the project. Software project involves several risks (like technical risks and business risks) that affect the project schedule and increase the cost of the project. Identifying risks before a project begins helps in understanding their probable extent of impact on the project. Identification of critical success factors: For making a project successful, critical success factors are followed. These factors refer to the conditions that ensure greater chances of success of a project. Generally, these factors include support from management, appropriate budget, appropriate schedule, and skilled software engineers. Preparation of project charter: A project charter provides a brief description of the project scope, quality, time, cost, and resource constraints as described during project planning. It is prepared by the management for approval from the sponsor of the project. Preparation of project plan: A project plan provides information about the resources that are available for the project, individuals involved in the project, and the schedule according to which the project is to be carried out. Commencement of the project: Once the project planning is complete and resources are assigned to team members, the software project commences.

2. How are the software project is different from other project. Explain the different phases of software project life cycle.
10 marks view

3. Explain the different techniques for enhancing the quality of software project.

10 marks view

Group B

Short Answer Question (Attempt any eight) (8x5=40)

4. Explain about SPM framework.

5 marks view

Answered by: Raj kumar sunar

A project management framework consists of the processes, tasks, and tools used to take a project from start to finish. It encompasses all the key components required for planning, managing, and governing projects. The project management framework can be broken into three parts: 1. Project life cycle This is the cycle a project goes through from beginning to end. It consists of five phases: Initiation: This is where you define what the project actually is. You can outline your objectives in a project charter and identify any potential risks. Planning: In this phase, you list all the project tasks in a detailed roadmap. Estimate how long each one will take, create deadlines, and add assignees. Execution: Put the plan into action. Teams commence work on project tasks and align their schedules to achieve key deliverables. Monitoring and controlling: Project managers oversee progress by tracking team performance, creating reports, and readjusting priorities if necessary. Closure: The final phase incorporates the results achieved when all project tasks are completed. A project manager will analyze these results and plan the next steps.

2. Project control cycle The control cycle is the process of monitoring and controlling the project. 3. Tools and templates Project plans, project management reports, and risk logs are common tools and templates for managing projects. Project framework examples There are many project management frameworks you can choose to use. Here are six of the most common ones: PRINCE2: This framework is highly structured with a heavy emphasis on upfront planning.

CCPM: Critical chain project management focuses primarily on resource allocation across the project.

Lean: A lean framework focuses on minimizing wasted effort and resources. Process improvement techniques are often incorporated into this framework.

XPM: Extreme project management was designed for complex projects that occur in fast-changing environments. Emphasis is on stakeholder management as plans and schedules are rapidly changing.

Scrum: This framework was also designed for industries undergoing rapid change. Using this framework, projects are often broken down and planned in 2-4 week sprints.

Waterfall: This framework is one of the traditional approaches to project management. Waterfall requires a project to be planned from beginning to end, with no phase of a project beginning until the previous one has ended.

How to choose a project management framework One single framework does not work for all projects, which is why so many of them have been created over the years. When deciding which framework is best for your project, consider the following: If your industry, technology, or product is fast-changing, an adaptable framework such as XPM or Scrum is recommended. If the project deliverable is not well defined and is intangible in nature (such as software), a sprint-based approach (such as Scrum) may work best. If the project is well defined and stable, planning it out in its entirety decreases risks. Therefore, PRINCE2 or Waterfall should work best. Frameworks may be chosen based on what your organization and stakeholders are familiar with. If your company has never completed an XPM project before, introducing one may be difficult. The priorities of your stakeholders will impact your framework. If waste is a critical concern, a lean framework may be chosen. Frameworks are designed to be flexible and adapt to a project’s needs. It may be that you will end up borrowing pieces of separate frameworks as the circumstances of your project change.

5. Differentiate between rapid application development and waterfall model.

5 marks view

6. Explain the contents list of project plan.

5 marks view

7. Differentiate between risk planning and risk reduction.

5 marks view

8. Describe the major workflows involved in software development.

5 marks view

9. How network chart help in scheduling a project?

5 marks view

10. Explain the critical path with example.

5 marks view

11. Explain the visualizing progress in detail with practical example.

5 marks view

answered by anonymous

A manager needs some way of presenting that data to greatest effect. Some methods of presenting picture are, Gantt chart – tracking project progress .It is the simple and the oldest form of representing the progress of the project. It consists of activity bar that indicates the scheduled activity dates and the duration along with the activity floats. Slip chart – visual indication of activities that are not progressing to schedule. Alternative view of Gantt chart by providing a visual indication of those activities which are not on schedule. The more bend in the greater the variation in the project plan. If the slip line deviates more towards the non achievement of project objectives then it has to be reconsidered. Additional slip lines can be included at regular intervals. Ball charts – way of showing or not targets have been met or not. It is represented in the form of circles that indicate the start and the end point completion of activities. Circles of the ball chart mostly contain only two dates the original and the revised one. An activity is denoted by a red circle and green color denotes that the activity is ahead of its schedule. Slippage in the project completion date but it is overcome by the timeline charts TimeLine: The timeline is a method of recording and displaying the way in which targets have changed throughout the duration of the project.

12. Explain the software configuration management with example.

5 marks view

Answered by BMC ko topper Rokka

When we develop software, the product (software) undergoes many changes in their maintenance phase; we need to handle these changes effectively. Several individuals (programs) works together to achieve these common goals. This individual produces several work product (SC Items) e.g., Intermediate version of modules or test data used during debugging, parts of the final product. The elements that comprise all information produced as a part of the software process are collectively called a software configuration. As software development progresses, the number of Software Configuration elements (SCI's) grow rapidly. These are handled and controlled by SCM. This is where we require software configuration management. A configuration of the product refers not only to the product's constituent but also to a particular version of the component. Therefore, SCM is the discipline which o Identify change o Monitor and control change o Ensure the proper implementation of change made to the item. o Auditing and reporting on the change made. Configuration Management (CM) is a technic of identifying, organizing, and controlling modification to software being built by a programming team. The objective is to maximize productivity by minimizing mistakes (errors). CM is used to essential due to the inventory management, library management, and updation management of the items essential for the project.

13. Write short notes on:

a. SQA plan

b. SPM tools

5 marks view