C Programming 2019
Group B
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Attempt any Six questions.[6*5=30]
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2. What is computer programming? Differentiate between top down and bottom up approach of programming.[1+4]
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3. What is the purpose of size of operator? Write a C program to swap the value of two integers without using third variable.[2+3]
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4. Write a program in C to find all possible roots of quadratic equation ax^2+bx+c=0 ?.[5]
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5.Why an array is required in programming? Write a C program to input age of 30 employees into array and find out second largest age from array.[1+4]
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6. What is recursive function? Write C program to generate the Fibonacci series upto 13th term using recursive function.[1+4]
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7. What is the advantage of pointer? Write a C program to store 10 integers into memory and find out minimum and maximum using dynamic memory allocation(DMA).[1+4]
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8. What is the use of initgraph() in C program? Write a program to draw line and circle and rectangle using graphic function.[1+4]
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Group C
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Attempt any Two questions.[2*10=20]
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9. What is structure? Write a C program to enter id,name and address of 25 employee into structure variable called employee and sort them in ascending order on the basis of their name with use of pointer.[2+8]
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10.Is break keyword mandatory in switch statement? Write a program to calculate the basic arithmetic operations (+,-,*,/) using switch case statement.[2+8]
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11. What do you mean by Software Development Life Cycle? Explain waterfall model with its advantage and disadvantage.[2+8]
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