C Programming 2020
Group B
AI is thinking...
Attempt any SIX questions.[6*5=30]
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2. What are keywords? Explain the compiling process of C program.[1+4]
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3. Differentiate between iteration and recursion.[5]
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4. Define an array? Write a program to generate the following output using loop.[1+4]
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5.Define operator. Explain any four types of operators available in C?
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6.Why function is required in C programming? Write a program to find smallest
number from the array using function.[1+4]
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7. Why DMA is used in C language? Write a program to enter age of 20 students and count age
between 18 and 25 from the array using DMA functions.[5]
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8. Write a C program to generate the following output graphic functions.[5]
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Group C
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Attempt any Two questions.[2*10=20]
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9. What is union? Write a C program to enter bid,title,price,pages of 100 book into structure
variable called book and sort them in descending order on the basis of their title with use of pointer.[2+8]
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10.What is the use of data file in C? Write a program to accept 100 numbers from user and store
them in odd.txt file(if number is odd) or even.txt(If number is even) then display odd numbers
reading from odd.txt file.[1+9]
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11. What do you mean by System design tools? Explain any four design tools with suitable examples.[2+8]
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