C Programming 2021
Group B
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Attempt any six questions.[6*5=30]
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2. Write a C program to generate the following output using loop.[5]
1 0 1 0 1
0 1 0 1
1 0 1
0 1
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3 How will you define pointer? Write a program that illustrate how pointer variable change the value of normal variable.[2+3]
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4. Write a C program to calculate sum of the natural number up to N number using recursive function.[5]
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5. Write a C program to to calculate following expressions: .
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6. Write a C program to copy the contents of a student.txt file into another file called info.txt.[5]
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7. Why do you use DMA instead of array? Explain DMA with suitable example.[2+3]
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8. Write a C program to generate following output using graphics functions.
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Group C
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Attempt any TWO questions.[2*10=20]
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9. Write a C program to store the player name, runs scored, wickets taken of 20 cricketers using structure along with pointer then arrange in order of maximum wickets to minimum wickets they had taken.
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10. Write a C program to generate following series using function:
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11. Define SDLC. Explain software process models.[2+8]
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