Design and Analysis of Algorithms 2067
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1. Explain worst case, best case and average case of algorithm analysis with an example. [8]
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2. What is recurrence relation? Find big-O of following recurrence using recurrence tree method. [2+6]
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3. Make a tight big-O analysis of following code.
int m, n, i, j, a[], b[], c[];
printf(“Enter value of m and n”);
printf(“%d\\t%d\\t%d\\n”,a(j), b(j), c(j);
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4. What is order statistics? How can you devise an algorithm that guarantee the section of ith order statistics in linear time? Write the algorithm of it and analyze it. [1+3+4]
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5. What is the main idea of randomized algorithm? Write an algorithm quick sort and analyze it. [2+6]
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6. Define greedy paradigm. How can you define Huffman algorithm is greedy algorithm? Explain.
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7. What
is minimum spanning tree? Write the execution trace of the following graph to
construct minimum spanning tree by prims algorithm.
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8. Explain Graham’s scan algorithm to compute convex hull.
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9. Define the terms “Class P”, “Class NP” and “NP-completeness”.
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10. What is the concept of dynamic programming? Find the longest common subsequence (LCS) between “XMJYAUZ” and “MZJAWXU”. [2+6]
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