Design and Analysis of Algorithms 2073
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1. Explain bog-oh, big-omega and big-theta notations for computing analysis of algorithm with example.
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2. What do you mean by recurrence relation? Solve the following recurrence relation using master method.
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3. What is quick sort? Trace the following data using quick sort algorithm.
A[]={99, 50, 60, 8, 5, 6, 20, 25, 40}AI is thinking...
4. What is Greedy paradigm? Write down the Greedy job sequencing algorithm.
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5. Write algorithm to compute Longest Common Subsequence of given two sequences. Compute the LCS of “COMPANY” and “COLONY”.
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6. What is Floyd’s algorithm? Write the details of Floyd’s algorithm to find shortest path in a graph.
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7. What is convex hull? Describe the Graham’s scan algorithm to compute convex hull.
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8. Describe the term Class-P, Class-NP and NP-completeness.
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9. What is directed acyclic graph? How to find the shortest path from a vertex of directed acyclic graph?
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10. What is BST? Write the algorithm of insertion and deletion operation of BST
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