Design and Analysis of Algorithms 2072
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1. Describe the best case and worst case complexity of an algorithm. Write algorithm for insertion sort and estimate the best and worst case complexity.
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2. Explain the big Oh of the
following recurrence relations using the iterative expansion method.
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3. What is the worst-case of quick sort? Show the how quick sort can be made to run in optimal time in the worst case.
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4. Trace the heap-sort algorithm for the following data: {16, 41, 18, 99, 74, 20, 17, 25, 10}.
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5. What is prefix code? How Huffman algorithm generates optimal prefix codes? Explain with suitable example.
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6. What do you mean by dynamic programming approach for design of algorithm? Write the algorithm for matrix chain multiplication and estimate its time complexity.
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7. Write the Dijkstra’s algorithm for single source shortest path in a weighted connected graph. Find the shortest path from the node S to other nodes in the following graph.
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8. Write an algorithm to compute the LCS of given two sequences. Trace the running of the algorithm to find the LCS of the sequences “XMJYAUZ” and “MZJAWXU”.
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9. Define the term diagonal, ear and mouth of a simple polygon. How can you determine the intersection of two line segment efficiently? Explain in detail.
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10. Discuss NP completeness. What is the role of approximation algorithms? Explain the algorithm for vertex cover of a graph with running example.
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