E-commerce 2074
Attempt all questions.
Section A (3x10=30)
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1. Explain the e-commerce architecture and its components in detail with diagram.
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2. What is e-payment? Explain the functions of e-payment system. Why is orientation and standardization required for e-payment business system?
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3. Define EDI. Explain with labeled diagram about secure electronic transaction protocol.
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Section B (6x5=30)
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4. What are the main characteristics of internet-based EDI?
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5. Explain the architectural model of B2B E-commerce.
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6. What are the security issues of e-commerce?
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7. What are the various threats posed by servers in a client-server environment?
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8. What are the advantages and disadvantages of smart-card?
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9. Explain the corporate data warehouse with example.
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