E-commerce 2078
Section A
AI is thinking...
Attempt any two questions.[2*10=20]
AI is thinking...
1. What is e-commerce business model? Describe the key elements of e-commerce business model.[2+8]
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2. What are the security threats in e-commerce? How client server and data transactions securities are maintained in e-commerce?
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3. What is e-payment? Discuss how credit card transactions, electronic checks and stored value payment system work. Mention their pros and cons.[2+8]
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Section B
AI is thinking...
Attempt any eight questions.[5*5=40]
AI is thinking...
4. Describe the factors that make U-commerce different from M-commerce?[5]
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5. What is industry value chain? Mention the geniric players in the value chain.[3+2]
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6. What is digital wallet? How it works?[2+3]
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7. What is a catalog in e-commerce application? How can you create catalogs?[2+3]
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8. Define malicious code. How the potentially unwanted programs like adware and spyware works?[1+4]
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9.Discuss different pricing models for online advertisements.[5]
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10. How facebook exchanges, reaction buttons and sponsored message are used for social marketing and advertisement.[5]
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11. What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)? How on page SEO can be done?[1.5+3.5]
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12. How content based and collaborative filtering approaches are used for product recommendation in e-commerce?[5]
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